A gasket is a sealing element of a strictly defined shape and size, placed between two components to achieve a seal of the connection. We distinguish static seals (head gaskets, manifold gaskets, valve cover gaskets, and others) and dynamic seals (oil seals, valve stem seals). Gaskets are made from various materials, ranging from cork, cardboard, rubber, elastomers, to various types of metals. Often, a combination of two or more of the mentioned materials is used in their construction. The requirements for the materials used for these types of seals primarily include resistance to temperature, chemical action of the working fluid, mechanical action, and abrasion resistance in the case of dynamic connections. Production is carried out in various ways: by pressing, vulcanization (for rubber), injection molding, or less commonly, sintering.
Newly developed gaskets, especially head gaskets, are introduced into production only after many tests by engine manufacturers, in order to eliminate them as the main causes of faults.
The gasket is only a connector between the sealed parts, and its damage is usually the result of an existing problem in the engine.
In the engine system, there are many seals, among which we can distinguish:
ENGINE HEAD – head gasket – valve cover gasket – intake manifold gasket – exhaust manifold gasket – valve stem seals
ENGINE BLOCK – oil pan gasket – crankshaft oil seal – oil pump gasket – oil cooler gasket
ENGINE ACCESSORIES – turbocharger gaskets – water pump gasket – thermostat gasket – EGR valve gasket – filter base gasket – vacuum pump gasket – timing cover gasket
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